Championing LGBTQ+ mental health

Rainbow Mind is a collaborative service between Mind in the City, Hackney and Waltham Forest and Mind in Salford, aiming to tackle mental health issues for individuals within the LGBTQ+ community.

For more information and latest events, visit us at Instagram , Eventbrite & Linktree

Get in touch

What we do

We offer courses, group sessions and support options for LGBTQ+ people and groups across the UK.

We support the mental health of LGBTQ+ people across London and Greater Manchester.

We work alongside other LGBTQ+ organisations to share best practice and maximise our impact.

We focus solely on LGBTQ+ mental health because research shows health outcomes are often worse for LGBTQ+ people than for the general population.

Learn more about our services

What are Rainbow Mind’s aims?

  • To offer inclusive, sensitive and non-judgmental support, providing a safe space for LGBTQ+ individuals to be their authentic selves free from judgement or discrimination.
  • To reduce social isolation for LGBTQ+ people by providing opportunities for individuals to socialise and have access to facilitated, peer and user-led community support.
  • To challenge assumptions, fears and prejudices about people who experience mental health problems and about the lives of people who identify as LGBTQ+.

Learn more

Download our research report

We conducted a randomised controlled trial (RCT) on our Radical Self-Care training that has been put together by our experienced practitioners. You can read our report here.

Our leadership team

Rainbow Mind is led, staffed and directed by LGBTQ+ people. Our Steering Group is also made up of key members of the LGBTQ+ communities who set the strategic direction for the project.

Need further support?

Our resources page has information about a range of organisations that offer support for LGBTQ+ people. Some of these are UK-wide, others are specific to the areas where we mainly work.

To find out more about Rainbow Mind and to get involved, please email: (London) (Greater Manchester)

For more information & latest events, visit us at Instagram, Eventbrite & Linktree
